Sunday, January 23, 2011

Am I looking for Happiness?

     I asked myself this question and the answer was: "We look for something lost or missing". So I asked myself again : "How did I lose my happiness?", " Why did I lose it?" and "Who took it away from me?". Before finding out where it's gone, it's more important to find out "What is happiness and what stops me to be happy?".

     Do I need someone else to offer me happiness? What is missing in my life that can bring me happiness? What happiness have with what I have and what I don't have? Where can I find happiness? Where do I start my search journey for happiness? Who can help and support me in my search journey? Is it really missing or is it around me everywhere but I am unable to perceive it? I felt scared and frightened of the truth. I didn't find any reason for not being happy. I don't need to look for happiness, all I need is to do is to PERCEIVE and NOTICE its presence in my life.  All I need is to smile and laugh as much as I can, learn to make myself happy, take a more positive perspective, be optimistic, let go of unimportant and silly issues that happen every day. Feeling happy or not depends on my mind and my thoughts. If I ask myself the question "What is the value of what is happening compared to my health, happiness and wellness?" in every moment of my day and could give myself the chance to answer before reacting to the situation I think I will be able to let go of 90% of what is taking my happiness, my time, my energy and my life. Think deeply about the different situations that you face during the whole day that is draining your energy and wasting your time (energy + time = life), what is taking your life? I am sure that you will find that 90% of them doesn't worth anything.

      Feeling happy is totally your choice, all you need is to set it as your main objective in life and work hard to achieve it as you achieve any of your goals. You need to be aware and alerted who and what want to take your happiness away and  to stand in front of them to defend your happiness. All you need are just few seconds to make the right choice.